asian CONFUCIUS On A Rampage! Though known in the west as Confucius this legendary Chinese thinker is better known in his native land as MASTER KONG!
asian LAO TZU: The Sage Of Tao! "The universe is SACRED. If you try to change it, you will RUIN it. If you try to HOLD it, you will LOSE it."
ancient EPICTETUS THE STOIC: The Unknown Philosopher! This philosopher's real name remains unknown - "Epictetus" simply means "slave".
ancient THE PRE-SOCRATICS: Pioneers Of Fancy Thinkin'! "…the FIRST Philosophers thought the nature of matter were the ONLY principles of ALL things."
greek Featured PLATO: Pro Wrestler Goes Academic! “Plato” means “BROAD” or “FLAT” and was the STAGE NAME of a PRO WRESTLER born ARISTOCLES on the island of AEGINA in 428 B.C.! Apparently he adopted this nom de guerre because of his exceptionally broad SHOULDERS. (Yes, REALLY.)